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A real treat for yourself and everyone around you

creative ●

Creative of body and mind.

When it comes to solutions, flexibility and response to unexpected situations. Because nothing is completely certain and clear in advance when you are or want to become pregnant. Whether you will be nauseous or not, for example. Or whether the birth will go the way you envisioned it in your dreams. Decorating the nursery or making a birth mood board is of course also creative.

Optimal creative!

powerful ●

Strength of body and mind.

Being pregnant, giving birth, dealing with birthing pain, recovering so you are fit again, takes a lot. Also dealing with past experiences, preparing, gathering information, taking antenatal classes, writing birth plans, so much to do!

Creativity and positive power, being aware of yourself and others. Timely setting your boundaries so that you are confident in yourself and each other during this special time. This gives you empowerment and autonomy.

Optimal power in other words!

loving ●

Loving the body and mind.

Loving yourself can be challenging. Lovingly contemplating your changing body, seeing your partner, the grandparents-to-be, siblings. Lovingly embracing what this new offspring brings to you. 

Setting timely boundaries is another challenge. Being creative, powerful and loving in indicating what you need during your pregnancy, delivery and post partum. You can do it!

So that you can confidently and peacefully enjoy yourself and each other during this special period.

Optimally loving!

MAMADOULA is part of Praktijk Beker


Advantage is that health insurance reimburses some treatments, depending on your policy

Membership of a number of professional associations guarantees quality

More about this at Practice information

Overview of MAMADOULA services.



Optimal support before, during

and after your pregnancy

Nieuwe ouders

Brand new parents


Optimal support after childbirth, in your new role as (grand)parents

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Share a doula


For expectant & new parents: share experience and costs

Additional support - also for healthcare professionals

Fear of giving birth

If you feel anxiety about going into labor (again), for whatever reason

Girl and Cat

If things turn out differently

Processing an unpleasant childbirth, even if you are pregnant again

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Trauma in the workplace


For healthcare professionals and healthcare employers

Specials & supplements


Creativity - creative time


Create a birth moodboard & analyze: great to do!

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Fit & healthy


Extra nutrients during this important time: clean label & vegan

Pain, scars & health scan


More energy, less pain, faster recovery

Scar treatment

Miriam Beker


Count on a sympathetic ear, commitment, a safe space.

Above all, I am open, warm, energetic and practical.

Motivating, exploring together what you need and what I can offer.

Creative, powerful in loving support from my heart.


doula, pronounced: doe-la


old greek for serving woman/woman serving

the - word (feminine)

pregnancy and birth coach



holistic birth care

coaching & therapy

around pregnancy & birth

2021 Design, text & photos MAMADOULA

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