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Fit & healthy


Extra nutrients during this important time:

clean label & vegan

Around your pregnancy, you may need to take certain vitamins extra, because you can't get them from food.
This is important for good growth of your baby and also for yourself!

Good, pure supplements without additives are best to use. Below are the supplements that are most important.

Always ask your midwife or health care provider if nutritional supplements are okay for you

In the spotlight

Omega 3

during pregnancy

Getting enough omega 3 fatty acids has additional benefits during and after your pregnancy.

Because then the development of the brain and retina of your baby is promoted.

So at least once a week oily fish is important when you are pregnant!


Not all types of fish can be eaten during pregnancy.

For the (oily) types of fish that are high in omega 3 fatty acids, the following are recommended

  • Trout: baked is ok
    Caution: heat smoked trout well!

  • Herring: baked is ok
    Not: raw or smoked

  • Mackerel: NOT during your pregnancy

  • Sardines: NOT during your pregnancy

  • Salmon: well fried, grilled, poached or steamed
    NOT: raw or smoked

Not a fish eater?

Then make sure you get enough ALA, this can be done by eating flaxseed oil and walnuts, for example.

Or choose Beyuna Omega 3

These are the important vitamins and nutritional supplements around pregnancy

Folic acid

Vital for your baby's growth, nervous system growth and reduced risk of birth defects, such as spina bifida. Chances are slim that you can get enough folic acid just from your diet. It is best to take folic acid even when you decide you want to get pregnant, i.e. even before conception. Continue taking folic acid until week 10 of pregnancy, with 400 micrograms every day. In addition, eat foods rich in folic acid, such as green vegetables, fruit and wholemeal products.

All this is in Beyuna Multi

Vitamin D

Contributes to cell division and maintaining strong bones. If you are pregnant, you need vitamin D for the growth and development of your baby's bones. In the sun your body automatically produces vitamin D, so make sure you get plenty of (protected) sun! In food, vitamin D can only be found in animal products. It is also recommended to take an extra 10 micrograms of vitamin D every day during pregnancy. Vitamin D3 also improves calcium absorption.
All this is contained in Beyuna D3 


Ensures the production of red blood cells in your body. And these, in turn, ensure a good supply of oxygen through your body. Because during pregnancy you produce blood for yourself and your baby, your need for iron is higher. You can get enough iron from a healthy diet and products that contain plenty of it, such as meat, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes and dried fruits and nuts. If you eat vegetarian or vegan, you are more likely to be iron deficient.
Do you have an iron deficiency? If so, your healthcare provider will prescribe an iron supplement. During your pregnancy, your haemoglobin levels will be monitored to check for iron deficiency. Vitamin B12, together with vitamin B6 and folic acid, ensures iron absorption.

To get enough iron, it is best to take iron-rich foods in combination with foods high in vitamin C, such as an orange: because iron is also better absorbed by vitamin C.

Improve your iron absorption with Beyuna Natural Vitamin C

Vitamin B12

A vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy can lead to anaemia and reduced baby growth. You can find B12 mainly in meat, fish, milk, cheese and eggs. Sometimes a person does not absorb enough B12, for example if your stomach does not produce enough stomach acid or if you suffer from certain intestinal diseases.

Women who eat vegan have a higher risk of B12 deficiency. For them, it is very important to take a B12 supplement. Consult with your midwife/healthcare provider if you are in doubt. Vitamin B12, along with vitamin B6 and folic acid, ensures iron absorption.

This is what's in Beyuna B12


You need magnesium for proper nervous system function, the production of proteins, fatty acids, and hormones, proper muscle function and the absorption of calcium in the bones. You can find magnesium in foods such as soy products, cereals, nuts, green leafy vegetables, bananas and avocados. You might get enough magnesium through your diet, so a supplement is not automatically necessary. You need around 400 mg of magnesium a day, which you can easily get from different types of food.

This is what's in Beyuna Magnesium


Your baby needs calcium to develop strong bones and build teeth, and to develop a healthy muscle, heart and nervous system. Daily, you would have about 4-5 servings of dairy products and 1.5 slices of cheese to get enough calcium. If you do not consume dairy products, it is recommended to take around 1,000 mg of calcium during your pregnancy.

Improve your calcium intake with Beyuna D3


Zinc is important for the large cell growth of the foetus. You find zinc mainly in red meat, but also in beans, nuts, whole grain products, shellfish and chicken. If you have a varied and healthy diet, a zinc deficiency is not likely and a supplement is therefore not necessary.

This is in Beyuna Multi

Vitamin C

Vitamin C provides naturally strong immunity and helps your body absorb iron. So taking a glass of orange juice with an iron-rich meal is highly recommended! You can find vitamin C in, for example, oranges, strawberries, kiwis and many fresh vegetables. During pregnancy, you have an increased need for vitamin C, namely from 70 mg to 90 mg per day.

This is in Beyuna Natural Vitamin C

Click on the image for more information on that supplement




holistic birth care

coaching & therapy

around pregnancy & birth

2021 Design, text & photos MAMADOULA

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