holistic birth care
coaching & therapy
around pregnancy & birth

Doula with a group
Pregnancy & postpartum group

A real treat for yourself and everyone around you
creative ● powerful ● loving
The benefits
sharing double pleasure
exchange experiences
getting to know others who are at about the same stage
saves on costs
you can learn from each other
also ideal for your (delivery) partner

Start of groups
With partner group
Spring 2024 will start a group for women, who have a (delivery) partner. Start when you are ± 20 weeks pregnant.
Single-mom group
Spring 2024 starts a group for single-moms who are ± 20 weeks pregnant.
Post partum group
This group for brand-new parents will start in spring 2024. Have you already done a doula course in a group? You don't have to, anyone with a two- to three-month-old baby is welcome.
Further info to follow.
Sign up in advance to reserve your spot as soon as you know you want to be there.

Preparing together - pregnancy group
In a group of max 4 pregnant women you follow a complete MAMADOULA program.
From about 20 weeks of pregnancy.
The difference with the individual track is that I am not always present at the birth. You can book that separately. Your (birthing) partner comes along at least once.
Click here to see what the program looks like.
If you would also like me to be there during your delivery, that is of course possible. I always provide a known rear guard-doula in case I can't be there. E.g. because I am giving birth to someone else from your group.
If you have attended the maternity group you get a discount on birth attendance.
Postpartum group
Great to share your experiences and struggles. Based on your needs, we will determine the theme of the month. Think: recovering after giving birth, balance in your family, your relationship and intimacy, communication (is it still about something other than baby?), going back to work, baby issues and tips, what goes well - what doesn't ...