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Registration & appointments

Sign up

You can sign up with or without a referral from your primary care physician.


 by phone             06 28 34 01 99



Within two working days you will be contacted for an intake interview. An intake interview can usually take place within 2 weeks. We will discuss the continuation of the program during the intake.


If you call and I don't answer, please leave a message with your name and number. If I don't respond soon (not all voicemail messages arrive), please send me a whatsapp or email with a call back request. Then I will respond a.s.a.p.!


Cancel an appointment

If a session can not take place due to circumstances, this must be reported at       least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise the cost of a session of the scheduled           duration will be charged.

Failure to cancel on time in cases of force majeure, e.g. illness, will result in a         charge of 50% of the scheduled time slot.

• Missed appointments will be charged in full.



holistic birth care


coaching & therapy

around pregnancy & birth

2021 Design, text & photos MAMADOULA

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