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Wkkgz procedure

The law on quality, complaints and disputes care (WKKGZ)

As of Jan. 1, 2017, the government decided that as a client of a healthcare provider, you should be able to easily and accessibly share your complaint. The purpose of this law is that you as a client should be able to give feedback on the care you received, so that the care provider can learn from your findings and improve it. This law makes it clear to you what steps you need to take to make your complaint known. The WKKGZ applies to all healthcare providers. Both for healthcare institutions and independent professionals, such as practitioners.


There are three distinct steps within this law

1. In the first instance, you raise a complaint with your practitioner.
2. If this does not lead to a solution you contact my professional association and they will ensure that a complaints officer comes into

    action. This can be assigned to you by sending the complaint form to my professional association VIV Netherlands, the complaints officer comes from Camcoop:

3. If the Complaints Officer fails to mediate, you may choose to submit your complaint to a disputes committee. Find the procedure and

    further information such as costs here:


If the disputes committee issues a ruling, the ruling is published anonymously so that the experience gained is shared and any healthcare provider can take note of it.


Registration Praktijk Beker with the disputes committee


With this, I wish to have provided sufficient information. Please send any questions about the procedure or the various bodies involved to




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