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Fear of your delivery (perinatal anxiety)


If you feel anxiety about going into labour (again), for whatever reason.


You're not the only one!


As many as one third of pregnant women suffer from perinatal anxiety, fear and stress before giving birth. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of these are still recognized and adequately supervised.

Get to know your own safety system


As a birth care professional, I guide you in better understanding your fear, uncertainty and stress surrounding your pregnancy and delivery. What is the working mechanism of your fear, where does that fear come from and how does your safety system actually work?


We can then make an estimate about which preparation or possible treatment can be used before childbirth.

Pain is a vital emotion, so is labor pain!


What about (fear of) labor pain?


Together we make a good labor pain analysis. This helps you to better understand your labor pain experience, to better deal with your labor pain and therefore to have better communication with your healthcare providers. Better understood by yourself and by others.


You learn about the function of labor pain, because it serves a purpose. This will positively change your thinking about labor pain forever. I teach you how to deal with it and take advantage of it. I will also give you an explanation about pain relief (during childbirth).


Understand yourself and experience


  • calmness and compassion
  • strength and wisdom
  • be open and alert
  • kindness to yourself and the other
  • attention to yourself and the other
  • deal with pain and fatigue
  • dealing with unknown and unexpected situations
  • take care of yourself
  • effective anxiety and stress reduction
  • controlling negative thoughts and feelings


You already possess all this, you'll discover that

Especially now that you are pregnant and a new life begins!


Peace of mind

Calm in control
Better birth
Secure and connected
Happy start of a new life


Direction & confidence


If you are aware of how all this works for you, maybe you have had a treatment (e.g. EMDR), you will be able to relax better. You gain more confidence in yourself, because you understand yourself better, know how to deal with yourself. And we involve your (birth) partner so that he/she can also support you optimally.

So that you feel you are in control, can find a resting point within yourself, manage your thoughts, relax better and even enjoy your pregnancy.


In short: you'll know what to do if you experience fear, panic, uncertainty, unrest or stress.


So optimal preparation!​


What does MAMADOULA cost?



holistic birth care


coaching & therapy

around pregnancy & birth

2021 Design, text & photos MAMADOULA

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