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Care for healthcare professionals

As a healthcare professional you experience wonderful moments, and unfortunately also unexpected, sad events, medical incidents.


If you are faced with this, then you are a so-called 'second victim', because the patient is seen as the primary victim.

Do you experience (long-term) stress, do you recognize PTSD characteristics in yourself or would you like to talk to an independent third party?


Then you can use coaching or therapy to get you back on track. Think mainly of counselling and EMDR as treatment methods.

Healthcare employers
support for professionals
in the healthcare organization

As an employer in healthcare, you also take care of the well-being of healthcare professionals.

A care provider who experiences something intense on the work floor. Something that happens in private that affects functioning at work. An (imminent) burnout or difficult comeback after a period of absence.

Contact for a tailor-made guidance program and employer rates.

Miriam Beker



Count on a sympathetic ear, commitment, a safe space.


Above all, I am open, warm, energetic and practical.


Motivating, exploring together what you need and what I can offer.


Creative, powerful in loving support from my heart




holistic birth care


coaching & therapy

around pregnancy & birth

2021 Design, text & photos MAMADOULA

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