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Yellow Flowers

Accreditations & registrations

MAMADOULA & Practiijk Beker are accredited by and registered with the following organisations


NBvD - Dutch professional association for doulas
The NBvD is a critical, proactive and well-informed professional association representing the interests of the professional doula. Aspiring member.


RBCZ - Register of Complementary Healthcare Professionals
The RBCZ foundation is an umbrella organisation that certifies and registers professionals in complementary and alternative medicine (doctors and therapists at HBO level).


VIV - Vereniging Integrale Vitaliteitkunde
The VIV has been the professional association for professional therapists using holistic working methods since 1999.


VT - Association of Drawing/Art Language
Tekentaal is the professional association for drawing/art therapists, coaches and teachers.



  • AGB zorgverlenerscode  - 90-044558

  • AGB praktijkcode             - 90-53264

  • Klacht- en tuchtrechtnr.   - KB.1107.1293

  • KvK                                    - 27319552

  • NBvD                                 - nbvd0772

  • RBCZ                                 - 180742R

  • VIV                                     - 1907981

  • VT                                      -  2012202



holistic birth care


coaching & therapy

around pregnancy & birth

2021 Design, text & photos MAMADOULA

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